Does a Post-Interview Thank You Letter Matter?

Hi Everyone!

Before I talk about thank you letters, I wanted to take the time to thank you all for reading and your continued support by making purchases via the Amazon affiliate links! As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no expense to you.

If you’re preparing for the NAPLEX or CPJE, check out my past posts Preparing for the CPJE and Review of NAPLEX and CPJE Test Prep Resource. They contain links to free test prep resources as well as paid up to date test prep resources.

If you’re looking for CEs to renew your license, I’ve listed a few websites to complete CEs for free on my other post CPJE, License / Certification Renewals, Pharmacy Law Waivers . I recently added two courses that the California Board of Pharmacy provided that may meet the new cultural competency requirement.


For those interviewing for jobs, you many wander if you should send a thank you letter after an interview.

I am part of an interview panel and interviewed several interns, technicians, and pharmacists.

From my personal experience, it did not give the candidate “bonus” points if they wrote us one.

If the candidate’s interview was bad, a thank you letter would not convince us to reconsider.

Also, something to keep in mind is that a thank you letter could hurt you if it’s written poorly.

If you’re applying to and interviewing for jobs, my advice is to work on your application and interview.

1. Proofread your resume and cover letter.

2. Be prepared to tell the interviewer about yourself and why you applied for this job. They want to hear the relevant highlights of your job history, not your life story.

3. Come prepared to describe specific examples from work, school, or projects for a variety situation.

Feel free to comment and let me know what your experience has been with thank you letters.

Thanks for reading!

If you plan on purchasing anything on Amazon, use my affiliate link to Try Amazon Prime 6-month Free trial if you’re a student (or Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial if you’re not a student). As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no expense to you.

Interview Ft. Amy Hoang, Pharm.D. | From Pharmacist to Entrepreneur and Founder of Women Sellers

Hi Everyone!

In the past posts, I’ve interviewed Maurice Shaw (RxComedy), Kevin Yee (Rufugee Hustle), The Uber Pharmacist, and Mario Hoyos. In celebration of women’s history month, I wanted to change it up and recognize women pharmacists. This post will feature a pharmacist who I first learned about through a YouTube video. For those who are interested in e-commerce, read on to learn more.

1) For those who don’t know who you are, tell me a little about yourself.

Sure! My name is Amy Hoang. I was a former retail pharmacist before I started my own company selling online, particularly on Amazon. During the height of the pandemic, my husband lost his job while I was 7 months pregnant with my 3rd child. I was so scared to go to work some days fearing that I might catch something and bring it home to my kids. Some days, I would have to work 12 hours shifts and be exhausted when I get home, just to find out that my kids are asleep, and I can’t even put them to bed

While my husband was looking for a job, he focused on our side hustle, which we have been doing for the last 5 years. We started to see exponential growth as I also helped him with the business during my maternity leave. Once we determined that this business could sustain itself to the point where it replaced both of our income, I made the tough decision to leave my job. 

We’ve been doing this full-time for the last year, and we love what we do! Now, we inspire and help other people to get started with reselling on Amazon. 

2) How did you learn about e-commerce? This is not something that is learned in pharmacy school.

I learned about e-commerce through listening to a few podcasts. The one that resonated with me the most was “Smart Passive Income” by Pat Flynn. I remember listening to another couple talk about how they were able to sell on Amazon by just going to clearance aisle of big box stores, buy the products for cheap, sell it to make a profit on Amazon. That week, I went out to the stores and picked up a few items myself. I made a sale within a few days and that validated that this actually works! 

Back in college, I resell on eBay a lot too, so I’ve always been a reseller. I just love the idea of making money online by selling the things you already have or bought in local stores. 

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to make this work. You just have to put in the effort and continue doing it, even when it doesn’t seem like you’re making any sales. We had our ups and downs, but we persisted and made it through those times. Now, looking back, all of those “mistakes and failures” were great lessons, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. 

3) What are your tips for beginners who want to start an ecommerce business on Amazon with no or little upfront cost/risk? I know you mentioned in an interview about AliExpress.

I would say, go to your local big box stores, like Walmart or Target, or thrift stores, and start scanning items with your Amazon Seller App. 

The first thing you need to do is open an Amazon seller account. Nowadays, Amazon is requiring a little bit more steps to get verified as a seller, but people are still able to get their account up and running within a short amount of time. 

Once you have the account, then you can download the seller app on your phone. With that, you’re able to do product research and sometimes make money within a week or so. 

The important thing is that you need to connect and align yourself with the right people. Join Facebook groups or listen to podcasts about this subject. Ask the right questions, and you will be surprised how far you’ll get 🙂 

4) Is there anything else you wanted to add?

I would like to advise anyone who wants to get started to just do it. Sometimes we think too hard about something, and it cripples us for taking action. 

I know myself, as a pharmacist, I used to analyze everything. But I noticed that when I take a chance and trust my instincts, that’s when I get the best results. 

Sometimes in life, we think that a certain path is meant for us and we have to continue down that path. For me, I thought I had to be a pharmacist for the rest of my life. But I quickly realized that there was another path that I can take. 

What I’m trying to get at is that you need to explore your options. Choose the one that is best suited for you, and run with it. I tried a bunch of things before I settled with reselling on Amazon. I did Uber, DogVacay (well, my husband did), blogging, affiliate marketing, podcasting, you name it. If I hadn’t tried these things, I wouldn’t have known that e-commerce is my jam. 

So I encourage anyone who’s trying to start something on the side, to just find the right thing and do it. It might not be the most obvious answer right away, but at least you’ll quickly know what you DON’T want to do. 

The worst part of life is to go through it and realize it was an entire waste. 

I hope this helps someone out! 🙂 

5) Thanks so much for sharing and taking the time to answer all of my questions. If anyone is interested in reaching out to you, where can people find you (e.g., social media handles)?

I can be reached at or you can join my Facebook group of other sellers ( I’m also on IG @amytranhoang.

Feel free to reach out to Amy or join the facebook group if you have any questions. I hope you find this post helpful. Please consider following this blog for more content like this.

If you are planning on purchasing any of the resources highlighted in this post or previous posts, please consider using the Amazon affiliated links to purchase. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial. It doesn’t cost you anything. It will help me fund the free content I create for you.

Thank you!

Answering Pharmacy FAQs on Google Part 1


Thank you for reading, and thank you to those who have been using my Amazon affiliate links!

If you have any questions, please let me know! I know my more popular posts are the Preparing for the CPJE and Review of NAPLEX and CPJE Test Prep Resource post, so I’ve continued to update that post with links to updated version of test prep material

I’ve decided to do a series of me answering frequency asked pharmacy questions on Google. For part 1, I picked a few basic ones. If you have any follow up questions, please let me know!

How much do pharmacists earn in California?

Depends on where in California and what setting. I don’t think it’s around $144,660 per year as career explorer claims. Currently, for new grads in saturated areas of California, with the assumption that they get 40 hours for 52 weeks, I believe it’s closer to around $120,000 per year. I highly doubt all new grads are securing full time jobs.

Is it hard to find a job as a pharmacist in California? Is the pharmacist job in demand?

No, not at this time (2021) if you’re not picky and willing to take any job. For 2021, yes, there is a demand for certain roles such administrating and overseeing interns/techs administrating COVID vaccine. With the pandemic, I’ve seen many job openings for covid vaccine support. Though it may not be full time or permanent, as long as you have a CA pharmacist license and an immunization certificate, that’s a job you can easily secure.

Is a pharmacist a doctor?

Technically, some are while some are not. Some older and non-US graduates graduated from a bachelor’s or master’s degree pharmacy program. Historically, in the United States, pharmacy schools were bachelor’s degree programs, but they’ve all transitioned to a doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program. Most US graduates who graduated within the past three decades graduate with a Pharm.D. and therefore hold the “Dr.” title.

Thanks for reading! Consider following for more content like this.

If you are planning on purchasing any of the resources highlighted in this post or previous posts, please consider using the Amazon affiliated links to purchase. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial. It doesn’t cost you anything. It will help me fund the free content I create for you.

Thank you!

Best Time to Prepare for NAPLEX and CPJE and Job Search

Hi Everyone!

Your last year of pharmacy school is the best time to prepare for your NAPLEX and CPJE.

If you need guidance on how to prep for CPJE or NAPLEX, check out my past posts Preparing for the CPJE and Review of NAPLEX and CPJE Test Prep Resource. They contain links to updated material such as RxPrep and even Weissman’s California Pharmacy law review books! For those looking for guidance on where to look for free CEs to renew their pharmacist license, check CPJE, License / Certification, Renewals Pharmacy Law Waivers.

The typical timeline is apply and interview to jobs through your school’s job fair during your last year of pharmacy school. If you want to do the residency or fellowship route, apply during first half of last year of pharmacy school. It’s competitive to get in. Even if you do end up interviewing, matching, and completing a residency or fellowship, here are 3 cons to consider: 1) residency or fellowship pays about 1/2 pharmacist salary, 2) there’s no guarantee you will have a job lined up post graduation, and 3) you’ll be overqualified for most jobs that are available (retail). I’m not trying to deter you from going that route. With the state of the job market, there’s no guarantee.

In 2021, there are a lot of temporary COVID support jobs available. Many temporary agencies have reached out to me. If you’re licensed and immunization certified and interested, that’s an easy job to get. I’m not sure if it will lead to something permanent. I would apply directly on the company’s site. I believe the likelihood of being hired is better if you’re an employee of the company vs temporary agency, because there’s an extra fee for the company to hire someone from the temporary agency. There’s some cons with the COVID support job to consider. 1) Some traveling may be involved, 2) High risk of contracting COVID, 3) Low Pay for high risk. With the numbers that are floating around in job posts and forums, I don’t think the COVID support job pays well even with +$4/hr hero fee, 4) Job is temporary with no benefits and may not lead to a permanent retail pharmacist job.

In 2022, due to the stress of job juggling retail operations and administrating vaccines, I believe there’s still a demand for retail pharmacists. For hard to fill locations, there’s a sign on bonus for at least 2 years commitment. I still see COVID support jobs available if you prefer that over working retail.

If you are planning on purchasing any of the resources highlighted in this post or previous posts, please consider using the Amazon affiliated links to purchase. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial. It doesn’t cost you anything. It will help me fund the free content I create for you.

Thank you!

Interview Ft. Mario Hoyos, Pharm.D. | From Pharmacist to Software Engineer

Hi Everyone!

Before I proceed with the interview, I have 3 announcements.

  1. Giveaway: If you don’t already know, I’m doing a giveaway. The cut off to fill out the google form is tomorrow, August 19, 2020 11:59 PM PST. Thanks to those who already filled the google form already! I enjoyed reading your responses. I’ll select a winner by the end of this week. If you don’t win, I’ll be working on sending you a recipe if I have a recipe that fits what you like and your dietary restrictions.
  2. Instagram: You can follow me at my newly created Instagram account HelloCatherine.PharmD for when I send those recipes out. If you use Instagram, please DM or tag me and let me know how how the recipe turned out!
  3. Fetch Rewards: I end most of my posts about Fetch Rewards. I’m not sponsored, but I’ve enjoyed the perks since I’ve joined and want to encourage you all to join. Perks: Recently I’ve received email notifications and signed up for 2 free magazine subscriptions. I’m currently receiving People magazines. I love them. There’s some pharmacy sprinkled in with ads about recently approved specialty drugs like Palforzia. Towards the end of the magazine, there’s a few recipes, a crossword puzzle, and a fun activity to identify 10 differences between 2 pictures. What is Fetch Rewards? Fetch Rewards is a rebate app. You can take a picture of your recent grocery receipt with the app and earn points for gift cards to a number of retailers including Amazon, CVS, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, Safeway, Macy’s, Nordstrom, and Sephora. If you do decide to join, enter my referral promo code Q8EMM when you download the app and than scan your first receipt to earn 2,000 bonus points (that’s equivalent to a $2 bonus).

I alluded to how saturated pharmacy job market has become since I’ve graduated in my previous post. For those who don’t find job satisfaction in their current job or those who are struggling to find a pharmacist job and just wondering what else is out there, you’ll want to continue reading. I sometimes check out the pharmacy subreddit. That’s where I stumbled upon Mario Hoyos who made a career change. I reached out to him and asked some questions.

For those who don’t know about who you are, tell me about yourself. 


For the information you probably care about in this context, I graduated from Purdue University College of Pharmacy in 2017. I went to work at CVS right after graduation in May, and by October I had quit, because I hated it so deeply. I then went to a coding bootcamp and have been working as a software engineer ever since! I currently work at, so in a way I’m still working with drugs lol.

For the stuff that might not be quite as pertinent to this context: I am currently living in Las Vegas where I work from home full-time (even before the pandemic!) I have a lovely dog who you can find on instagram, and two kitties. I am engaged to be married, to a lovely lady I graduated pharmacy school with (she is still a full-time residency-trained pharmacist kicking ass in pharmarcy-land). I love playing sports- just tore my meniscus though 😦 – hiking, playing Rocket League, and cooking.

I never would have thought three years ago that I would have let my license expire (I never even removed it from the tube the Texas Board of Pharmacy sent it in), but it’s been one of, if not THEE, best decisions of my life.

To be clear, I’m not here to talk down on pharmacy. The profession is a key part of the healthcare system, and what y’all do is gravely important. I just found out the hard way that it wasn’t for me, at least not in the way that I was able to practice, and that programming fit my lifestyle preferences much better. For anybody interested in exploring programming as a career, please please please use me as a reference. I want to help everybody that I can make the transition, if it’s something they’re wanting to do.

You outlined your professional background on reddit. That’s a risky move to just quit your pharmacist job and pursue something within a span of 5 months post graduation from pharmacy school. 

– Quit CVS In Dallas in October of 2017 (I graduated May of 2017 lol)

– Started DevMountain immersive webdev that same month

– Graduated in January 2018, stayed at bootcamp for 4 months to help teach next cohort at $20/hr

– Got first “real” job at a e-prescribing startup in Austin making ~ $30/hr

– Got surprise laid off when startup ran out of money 4 months later

– Took up a contract job for 4 months at $45/hr

– After that contract took up another contract at $75/hr

– That contract ended abruptly after 6 months when the company surprise laid everybody off

– I’m now working remotely at a mid-size startup based in Seattle (I live in Las Vegas) at ~145k/yr salary, with benefits.

I’m curious how you were able to jump from one contract job to the next and then land a remote job making a decent salary. Was it through connections or just applying online like Indeed? 

My biggest piece of advice is to try and avoid the route of spamming your resume on job sites. It’s a lot of work, for pretty low chances of success. After my gig working at the bootcamp as a mentor, I got the first next job by finding a startup where my pharmacy domain knowledge could be useful, and messaging the founders directly on LinkedIn. 

For the contract I took up after that, the founder of that startup reached out to ME on Linkedin after seeing my post that I was looking for new opportunities. 

For my final contract before this job, it was through a personal connection who was working at the company, and when they decided they needed more hands on deck he was able to advocate for me (I didn’t even have to interview)!

Much like the pharmacy world, it’s not always what you know as much as who you know. This can seem unfair, but if you accept it’s the truth you can play the game. Put yourself out there, and try to reach out to folks at companies directly, because as a bootcamp grad it’s VERY hard to stand out in a pile of resumes.

How do you go about finding a job? 

If I was going to start looking for a new job today, it would look something like this:

1. Tap into network on Linkedin/twitter/old coworkers and see if any place is hiring that I already have a foot in the door.
2. Look for jobs that match my skillset in my area and/or remote on Glassdoor or Linkedin.
3. Reach out to recruiters that have been in my inbox and see what opportunities they might have.

To be honest, getting that first job out of bootcamp is by far the most difficult job search you’re likely to endure as a programmer, particularly if you’re average or above average. The field can feel saturated when you’re just starting out because there’s so many people looking for the first job, but once one employer has taken a risk on you, and you have any sort of work to reference that you’ve been paid for, it gets MUCH easier from there.

Several times a week I have recruiters reaching out to me, trying to sell me on some position. The reason that good engineers have such nice salaries/benefits is because if they didn’t it would be easy for these recruiters to steal talent. For a lot of folks, it’s not so much about finding a job but letting a job find you.

If you work on your online presence, and learn in public, it’s even easier for companies to find you. I’ve been surprised that even with the ongoing pandemic, I’ve still had recruiters reaching out.

Again, I must emphasize, breaking into the field is NOT EASY. It takes a lot of hard work, perseverance, networking, and a little luck. Once you’re in though, so long as you keep developing your skillset, the market is still in favor of the engineers, at least for the time being.

Are there a lot of software engineer jobs available for those who decide to go the boot camp route rather than pursuing a B.S. in computer science?

Graduating with any sort of CS degree is still going to be the easiest way to land a job. Getting that first job as a bootcamp grad is TOUGH, but like I mentioned above, after the first one, your degree matters a lot less because you have hard proof that you can do the job.

I work with at least 5 other people who don’t have formal CS degrees. 

At the end of the day, it’s all about tradeoffs. You have a higher chance of easily landing a job with a CS degree, but is it worth 4 years of time and tuition? Even if you didn’t get a job within a year of graduating a bootcamp, you’d still be coming out years and thousands of dollars ahead. 

That being said, for a lot of the really big players, like Facebook and Netflix, it’s going to be drastically easier if you have a degree than if you don’t. It’s not impossible to get there without one, just much less likely.

Is the boot camp demanding? For those who don’t want to quit their current job, is it possible to work and also do the boot camp?

Bootcamps are definitely demanding (or if you find one that isn’t, it’s likely not very good). On top of them being inherently demanding, in order to stand out from your peers you need to take it upon yourself to dive deeper and get extra practice, in order to set yourself up for the best chance at getting employed.

There are part-time or fully-online bootcamps, and though I never attended one, it could be a viable option. You will likely need a longer timeline before you make the transition, since it’ll take you longer to develop the same level of skill, but I imagine it can be done if a person is self-motivated enough (and I know most people in pharmacy probably are).

Programming is an exercise in frustration, and will demand a lot of your brainpower. This is going to be harder to get through if you just stood on your feet for 12 hours in a hectic retail environment. It’s likely possible but it will be more difficult.

I was extremely privileged to be able to focus full-time on the bootcamp, but I know that won’t be the case for everybody. I don’t have kids, I was still living in a college student mindset for the most part, and I had enough saved up from my pharmacist job to last me a while. This definitely provided some psychological safety that allowed me to really go all-in during my bootcamp. That being said, there were people in my cohort that DID have kids and other obligations, and were also able to pull it off in the long run.

I can’t guarantee success, but the opportunities are definitely there.

Is there anything else you wanted to add?

Please keep in mind that I am very biased as you read this. Not everybody hates their pharmacy job like I hated mine. Not everybody is going to enjoy programming as much as I do. Even if you do enjoy programming, there’s no guarantee that your career path will end up like mine, and if mine had gone differently the picture maybe wouldn’t look so rosy.

Like all jobs, working in software comes with its own set of frustrations and downsides. It’s not a silver bullet. For me, personally, the tradeoffs are beyond worth it, but like any job it’s not all sunshine.

Thanks so much for sharing and taking the time to answer all of my questions. If anyone is interested in reaching out to you, where can people find you (e.g., social media handles)?

I’m a pretty open book. I really am here to help whoever I can, however I can. I’m pretty easy to get a hold of and I encourage you to reach out if you have questions! Here’s contact info for me:

2. Linkedin
3. Email
4. Personal Site
5. Reddit
6. Phone number 574-215-3266 (I don’t answer calls anymore thanks to scammers, but you can always text 🙂 )

Look forward to hearing from you!

Feel free to reach out to Mario if you have any questions. I hope you find this post helpful. Please let me know what you want me to write about next.

If you are planning on purchasing any of the resources highlighted in this post or previous posts, please consider using the Amazon affiliated links to purchase. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial. It doesn’t cost you anything. It will help me fund the free content I create for you.

Thank you!

COVID-19 Pandemic: Free Food, Resources, and Opportunities

Happy April Everyone!

I’ve identified places where you can get free food, resources, and opportunities during this COVID-19 Pandemic.

1.  Krispy Kreme Donuts

Every Monday from National Doctors’ Day (March 30) through National Nurses Week (May 6-12), Krispy Kreme will provide all healthcare workers free dozens of their iconic Original Doughnuts.

This offer includes anyone who care for the health of the people in our communities such as physicians, nurses, surgeons, psychologists, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, and their staff. Just present a badge to verify employment in the healthcare industry.


Check out ASHP’s COVID-19 Resource Center. It is updated frequently. They’ve opened access to their evidence-based online resources and tools and made widely available to all pharmacists and healthcare professionals. Take advantage of the ASHP’s Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Review Course, Practice Exam, and Core Therapeutic Modules package. Use code COVID-19 at check out.  It is free to all pharmacists at no cost through May 31.

3. California Health Corps

To address the COVID-19 surge, on March 30, Governor Gavin Newsom launched a major new initiative to expand California’s health care workforce and recruit health care professionals. Interested medical and health care professionals can visit for more information and register for the California Health Corps.

Please let me know if I missed anything. I will add to this list if I stumble upon anything else. There are so much free stuff for me to list. Here are some other major ones that I stumbled upon that you may be interested: 

4. Hallmark

To share appreciation with the heroes in our lives, Hallmark is giving away 2 million cards here. You can get a free 3-pack of gratitude cards.

5. Crocs

Every day Monday through Friday 12 pm EST there’s a wait list to get free pair of shoes (with free shipping). I think you have to go here right at 12 pm EST to get a shot at being one of the first 10,000. When I logged in early, I was not placed in line until a minute or two after 12 pm.

6. ChiliPad

They have a one-for-one program valid through April 30. For U.S.-based healthcare professionals and first responders, you can get a new or refurbished chilipad, a temperature-controlled mattress pad if matched with a donor. It may take up to 6 weeks to process. Donation quantities limited.

6. Reddit Freebies

I signed up for a lot of freebies that people mentioned on the this freebies reddit page. I’ll keep you all posted if I actually receive anything on my travel blog.

I also prepared a list of essentials in the what to pack post. What can you live with or without? With the whole maintaining social distancing and staying inside, how are you keeping yourself entertained? What are some of your favorite indoor activities? For those who love to watch movies and tv shows and/or online shopping, you can Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial and watch thousands of movies and tv shows anytime and get free two-day shipping on millions of item. You can even shop for food or snacks from the comfort of your home.

If you are planning on purchasing anything highlighted in this post or previous posts, please consider using the Amazon affiliated links to purchase. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also,Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial. It doesn’t cost you anything. It will help me fund the free content I create for you.

Thank you!

Interview Ft. RxComedy


I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and for those who went Black Friday shopping, I hope it well. I went Black Friday shopping this morning. I got the last 1.5 Quart slow cooker at Macy’s. If you exclude the taxes, it is essentially free after the mailed in rebates. I got a couple things at Sears for less than $1 with my $10 off coupon. To get this coupon (I’m not sure if the promotion is still going on), text thanks to 73277, and when prompt, text Y, and you’ll get $10 off coupon at sears valid til 12/1. SYW (shop your way) membership (it’s free to join) is required.

Anywho, back to the regular content. I have a special treat for you all. I’m excited and thankful to have had an opportunity to interview and feature this pharmacist in my blog. He makes YouTube videos of himself as the pharmacist, pharmacy technician, and patient. He’s hilarious. He pokes fun of life as a retail pharmacist. I used to work in retail pharmacy and can relate. This pharmacist I am referring to is Maurice Shaw. For those who don’t know him, don’t worry. Read on. Prepare to learn more about him, his thoughts on the current/future pharmacist job market, and his advice to new and soon-to-be pharmacists.

Tell me about yourself. Are you still doing comedy/YouTube and pharmacy?

I went to Chicago State University College of Pharmacy and completed a PGY1 Residency with University of Iowa. I am currently a pharmacy manager been doing real pharmacy for about 5 years. I am still doing stand up comedy, still making YouTube videos, making videos for Pharmacy Times and I am currently the Health and Wellness director for the Black Chamber of Commerce of Illinois.

What are your thoughts on the current/future pharmacist job market?

I believe the current job market for pharmacist right now is tough as retail pharmacies are trying to deal with low reimbursement rates and try to manage the new pay for performance type of reimbursement with STAR ratings. I think the pharmacist and pharmacy organization need to find ways so pharmacist get paid for everything we do (consultation fees as an example like lawyers do) and expand the scope of practice for pharmacist and the job market will improve.

Any advice for new and soon-to-be pharmacists?

Use your money to create a second source on income such as rental income or own a small business because we become so dependent on the income of our jobs as pharmacist that we continue to let jobs add more and more to our plate with less pay.

Where can people follow you (i.e. social media handles)?

YouTube Channel: RXComedy
FaceBook: Maurice Shaw (@MauriceRPh)
Instagram: drofcomedy

Give him a follow! Watch his videos. He’s awesome.

I want to feature more pharmacists on this blog. Please let me know who you want me to interview next and if there are any specific questions I did not ask that you want me to ask.

If you are planning on purchasing any of the resources highlighted in this post or previous posts, please consider using the Amazon affiliated links to purchase. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also, Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial . It doesn’t cost you anything. It will help me fund the free content I create for you.

Thank you!